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This is probably one of my favourite descriptions of one of the sets I have ever received. Right up there with "I have never been so close to crying and orgasming at the same time". Which FYI, later on, we named "crumming". Note: This is the set mentioned. Middle Earth Enchanted Forest Balrog dancey dance for all. (see why I call it fairytale bass?)  https://soundcloud.com/applecatmusic/applecat-mni-wiconi-pray-for-water

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The Ambiguous Nature of Integration: Why I need Feminism

“Though her soul requires seeing, the culture around her requires sightlessness. Though her soul wishes to speak its truth, she is pressured to be silent.”― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves I recently made a post on my Facebook page referring to myself as a Feminist. Said post proceeded to stir up a bit of conflict in regards to an others assumption of what “feminist” meant and my personal identification of the word. I was compelled to go deeper in to the ambiguous nature of integration. I need to be honest here, this was the first time I have consciously called myself a feminist through public media, and in doing this I felt a great hesitation.This statement along with...

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I've been told by others that they see me as a very tolerant human. I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm unsure if I agree.

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